School provided laptops
Some schools require children to use a laptop computer provided by the school. This is often a Chromebook which can run either the Chrome web browser or Android apps. Some schools may provide a PC or tablet. It is very important for you, the parent, to be aware if the school has installed any content filtering software. If not, here is what you can do:
Require your child to use the laptop only with an internet connection which is already filtered (for example, if your home router is secured with the advice provided by PureFam, then your child’s school laptop should be safe to use at home).
You may not want to allow your child to use the laptop outside the home or school. E.g. at a library, café, or with a family member who does not have the same filtering as your home router.
If the school allows you to install apps on the laptop, you can install a filtering or accountability app that would provide protection from any internet connection. (However, not all schools allow installing apps on provided laptops.)
It’s important for you, the parent, to be aware of what filtering is in place and where the device is being used.
It’s also important to be aware of what images other children may be sharing— whether by email, social media, or flash drives.
Carefully educate your child of the dangers and risks and encourage them to share with you if they see anything they feel is inappropriate.